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Update - Leah Lax aka muggy cat has left a new comment on your post "Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -...":
And by the way, the demonstration is still on. We will be there at 6:00 AM until sundown to let your neighbors know what kind of person you are. Call the cops, we have our permit and it is not under Muggy Cat or Loretta Lax Miller or Leah Lax. Tell George E. McDermott to go look for it! Posted by muggy cat to Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cats -aka- Loretta Lax Miller for President 2016 - at January 9, 2014 at 10:10 AM |
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Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016 - HATES - HATES - Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Homosexuals, Hillary Clinton and President Obama and ME! - which you can read in this Blog - her words - not words or name calling - her words - where on the other side of things in her Blog about me - It is all lies and gutter trash - but, that is what Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat and her supporters Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman, Andrea Grenadier, Rachel/Robin Grenadier, Dick Farrell, Josh Cohen, WDBF Radio, Gulf Streams Parks in Florida all support her and her blog are |
WARNING - READ FURTHER - DO NOT ACCEPT ANY OUT REACH FROM Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016
FACT - Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016 - - Is using Linkedin to connect and then Stalk and Terrorize any one she can who doesn't agree with her. She is friending people and then if you comment on anything she says - She doesn't like what you say - YOU TO CAN BE THE NEXT VICTIM OF THIS THING! YOU DO NOT WANT TO ACCEPT A REQUEST TO CONNECT FROM - Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Lax Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016
I am kicking off my 2016 Presidential Race . I know it's seems early but 2016 is right around the corner.
I am a Democrat. I watched this country divide and crumble leaving families homeless and starving on the streets. While the 2 parties on the Hill argue between one another. They are insensitive and uncaring about what is happening to the people who they are suppose to be protecting.
The government was set up to protect the people not as a career to get rich off our tax payers money.
We own the Government not the other way around.
Deals are made every day by the Senators and Congress People of our great country. But at what price to us and what gain to them. The debit is in the trillions and still rising as the Hill and the President keeps spending. We have seen $100million dollar vacations when people can't afford 3 meals a day for their children and themselves. We see families living in cars in parking lots. Tent City's Shanty Towns popping up all over the United States in vacant lots where there used to be factories and malls. Food banks unable to keep up to feed the poor. Veterns homeless begging for money.
The Government has said that unemloyment is down It is a lie. It is on the increase. We are in a depression and this government is in fear of an upraising they will not tell you the truth. The cost of living has increased, Food prices increased. A gallon of milk is almost as high as a gallon of gas. Beef, Poultry,and Pork has reached an all time high. Fruit and Vegetables are soaring.
People are depressed and frustrated trying to make ends meet. And to add insults to insults the government ,your representaives, your protectors raise taxes. While the people suffer the fat cats get fatter! Show me a Governer, a State or Local Offical going into foreclosure or going cap in hand to a food bank.
First I want to bring America back together.
I am a Democrat. I watched this country divide and crumble leaving families homeless and starving on the streets. While the 2 parties on the Hill argue between one another. They are insensitive and uncaring about what is happening to the people who they are suppose to be protecting.
The government was set up to protect the people not as a career to get rich off our tax payers money.
We own the Government not the other way around.
Deals are made every day by the Senators and Congress People of our great country. But at what price to us and what gain to them. The debit is in the trillions and still rising as the Hill and the President keeps spending. We have seen $100million dollar vacations when people can't afford 3 meals a day for their children and themselves. We see families living in cars in parking lots. Tent City's Shanty Towns popping up all over the United States in vacant lots where there used to be factories and malls. Food banks unable to keep up to feed the poor. Veterns homeless begging for money.
The Government has said that unemloyment is down It is a lie. It is on the increase. We are in a depression and this government is in fear of an upraising they will not tell you the truth. The cost of living has increased, Food prices increased. A gallon of milk is almost as high as a gallon of gas. Beef, Poultry,and Pork has reached an all time high. Fruit and Vegetables are soaring.
People are depressed and frustrated trying to make ends meet. And to add insults to insults the government ,your representaives, your protectors raise taxes. While the people suffer the fat cats get fatter! Show me a Governer, a State or Local Offical going into foreclosure or going cap in hand to a food bank.
First I want to bring America back together.
Wall of Tolerance
Loretta Lax Miller for President
I am a retired successful entrepreneur who has traveled throughout the world and I can balance a checkbook and a budget.
Join me in defeating the same old story .
My Platform
1.I will not lie to the American People - AKA - Muggy Cat
2 I could not promise transparency There are security measure that cannot be disclosed to the public because sake of National Security -
3 The TSA needs restructuring and new guidelines We need to make Americans Feel safe and at the same time not invade their privacy.
4 Obama Care is a tax as President I would revoke Obama care tax but I would allow those who have no job to receive Medicaid
5 Federal employees will be treated just the same as any other employee. Federal Employees work for the people and are not a law unto themselves
6 No one is above the Law. But, ME Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Lax Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016
7 The Government needs to be controlled wasteful spending needs to stop.
8 The IRS needs to be investigated and new guidelines set We cannot disband it but we can control it and restructure it
9 Pork Bellies and earmarks have to stop as well as insider trading.
10 A President must not be allowed to change the laws of the Constitution
11 Social Issues regarding religious views are not Federal issues.
12. We need social programs
13 . We need to protect Social Security, protect
Medicare ,protect the Elderly and Minors from those to extort them .
14 We need to secure the boards and check the background of each person applying for VISA's , Green Card and Citizenship.
I will be proud and glad to show anyone who asks for my Birth Certificate I am a Natural Born American from Pennsylvania.
Join me in defeating the same old story .
My Platform
1.I will not lie to the American People - AKA - Muggy Cat
2 I could not promise transparency There are security measure that cannot be disclosed to the public because sake of National Security -
3 The TSA needs restructuring and new guidelines We need to make Americans Feel safe and at the same time not invade their privacy.
4 Obama Care is a tax as President I would revoke Obama care tax but I would allow those who have no job to receive Medicaid
5 Federal employees will be treated just the same as any other employee. Federal Employees work for the people and are not a law unto themselves
6 No one is above the Law. But, ME Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Lax Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016
7 The Government needs to be controlled wasteful spending needs to stop.
8 The IRS needs to be investigated and new guidelines set We cannot disband it but we can control it and restructure it
9 Pork Bellies and earmarks have to stop as well as insider trading.
10 A President must not be allowed to change the laws of the Constitution
11 Social Issues regarding religious views are not Federal issues.
12. We need social programs
13 . We need to protect Social Security, protect
Medicare ,protect the Elderly and Minors from those to extort them .
14 We need to secure the boards and check the background of each person applying for VISA's , Green Card and Citizenship.
I will be proud and glad to show anyone who asks for my Birth Certificate I am a Natural Born American from Pennsylvania.
Running for President of the USA 2016
Activist and Politcian
pushed to expose corruption with the legal system. I crossed party
lines to get Allan West elected. I fought and i am still fighting for
the rights of the Elderly and to remove corrupt Court Appointed
Guardians. I helped those who can not afford an attorney write
complaints Pro Se, I instruct people who go up against attorneys on
objections of Pro Se to quote Farretta vs State of California .422 U.S.
806 (1975), and inform them of United States v. Padelford, 76 U.S. 9
Wall. 531 531 (1869) where it permits a second chair who is not an
attorney to advise and help with information and questions. I was active
in Law suits on Barack Hussein Obama/s eligiblity in 2010 to 2013. I
am an accountant and I do taxes. I am chairman of SAGA Society Against
Guardian Abuse ,A Member of Peace and Tolorence, A Member of the JFC.A
member of AIPAC, active with Reclaim America
For fun I love watching Doctor Who and I am a Whovain., Trophy Wife and the Goldbergs are 2 of the newest funny show on TV I enjoy.
For fun I love watching Doctor Who and I am a Whovain., Trophy Wife and the Goldbergs are 2 of the newest funny show on TV I enjoy.
Talk Show was the hottest show on the air Talking about politics to
getting the electric on after 6 weeks of no water, food or gasoline.
Comfy Foot
Sold hard to find disposible foot items in a Medicare approved Store. Sold Business
Ideas person
Senator John Heinz
Ideas person I was his PR person in getting a Heinz bottle on each table in Pennsylvania. 57 reasons why to vote for Heinz
Why do I need a fancy title (will be published in Dec 2014
About me and my adventures
Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, German,
The picture Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016 uses as Muggy Cat - Hates Catholics, Christians, Muslims, Homosexuals - Who will be next?
Stalker - Anti American Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat -aka- Loretta Miller Presidential Candidate for 2016
Leah Lax -aka- Muggy Cat comments on her own blog -
1 comment:
- Nicely done and well said and written
Leah Lax requested a connection on Linkedin with Janice Wolk Grenadier - I did not know her - but, accepted her request - She then sent links to her blog - when I commented on one -
She became unreasonable - The conversations with Linkedin and e-mail are below -
She is according to her websites a Democrat
by all appearance and comments is prejudice against Catholics/Christians -
Registered to run for President of the United States of America in 2016 and was a write in against President Obama in 2012
Further in the e-mail you will find she is in collusion with Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman - valaw2010.blogspot.com
On 12/19/13 1:33 PM, LORETTA LAX MILLER wrote:
The writing in Red is Leah Lax's words - Enjoy!JW Grenadier <jwgrenadier@gmail.com>
Re: Boycott of Israel prompts two universities to quit American Studies Assoc...
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